Welcome, fellow Cancer Survivors!

Travel with me as I explore previously unknown territory: My body's reactions to Chemotherapy. I am a 28 year old Mother, Wife, and Daughter. I have started this blog in the hopes of coming closer to my true self. May all who pass through here meet with Peace and Grace.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A little blurb before bed...


Chemo was not quite so boring as I had hoped, but I did learn a lot about my body today!
Suffice to say, I am deathly allergic to a certain chemical of chemo that is actually one of the most commonly used, and one of the most powerful. It really showed me my body is resilient and is still very strong. The chemical, for all you Wikipedia Buffs out there was "Paclitaxel" or simply "Taxol" to most Nurse, Doctors, Patients...
Ah well, the alternative chemicals they are giving me are just as effective, so they say.

My Doctor really laid it on the line for me, it seems. This is a rare type of tumor,that rarely gets cancer. The very cancer that arose from it is also very rare. There is a high risk that the chemotherapy might not even kill it. That, my friends, is simply the hard side of this.

But since the very slightest of Odds have been all for being against me, I feel it's my turn. I'm not paying any attention to any statistics any more, and I'm all for believing that these chemicals will do the trick and fully eradicate it from my body. The Doctor himself says that if I can kick it all out, and remain Cancer free for two years, I would be safe from any other kind of cancer coming back again, because this is just such a rare type. An added bonus, the Surgeon who took out all my tumors is very sure he got out every single last tumor. And they found no Cancer in the Lymph Nodes that they removed! A very, very good sign!

So... I shall try to update you all every evening. I am more than happy to keep everyone in the loop. The Doctors want to keep my blood flowing, so they want me to remain at least 50 to 70 percent active, as my blood will probably be lot more sluggish in as it moves throughout the body. I should think sitting on one's bum in in front of the computer screen and typing would be, at most, minimal activity...

Words of wisdom tonight?

My friends, get yourself a good night sleep.

For tomorrow, the fight continues.

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