Welcome, fellow Cancer Survivors!

Travel with me as I explore previously unknown territory: My body's reactions to Chemotherapy. I am a 28 year old Mother, Wife, and Daughter. I have started this blog in the hopes of coming closer to my true self. May all who pass through here meet with Peace and Grace.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Foraging for Breakfast...

Which is not an easy task. Actually, for the moment, I'd love more than anything not to talk about food. My Ant-Nausea medications seem to be helping somewhat, but I did have to call in for a bit of back up. Yesterday, my banana didn't make it all the way down; I was none to pleased to find myself in that state.

I did manage to get some dinner down, and this morning, I also got around to a bit to eat. I need to break it all down into munchies though. A full out meal seems a bit impossible. And where is my brain this morning? I found myself wandering around this morning wearing one slipper because I forgot to go and look for the second one. And while I set myself up with a small serving of cottage cheese I dazed off a bit and found Clint had grabbed another spoon and was helping himself to it before I could get to it.

I seem to remember saying I didn't want to talk about food, now... Hmmm...

Oh, that's right, I remember what I wanted to say. I'm very flattered by the wide range of readers that I have, I very happy you are appreciative of my daily updates. Thanks for your support, I shall try to continue recording my journey as I progress through the treatments.

I did not wake up so much... Depressed today, just tired and annoyed that my stomach still feels in a bit of a lurch. And I need to remind myself to continue to drink lots and lots of water, but even water tastes a bit weird at the moment.

Well... I have decided to cut this blog a little bit short.
I really don't know what the day will bring, all I know is I feel like lying in bed for a bit. I hear a hyper monkey downstairs squeaking as he creates only god knows what on some over sized poster paper I got him. Thank goodness Julie is here to keep him from trying to create something monstrous while I sleep. It's hard to say what lurks in his little mind.

I bid you adieu for the moment. Going to sleep.

Sleep sounds great.

Drugged... Sleepy... Partially Nauseated, but finally passing bowel movements (Oops... Sorry, that's probably way too much information).

I wish you all a good day, and I also hope you yourself can find some time to relax.

Take care, everyone.

Evie.... Out.

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